Anointing of the Sick
This Sacrament is provided for parishioners who are anticipating surgery, in the hospital or seriously ill. The Sacrament can be celebrated as many times as is necessary and Father Matt is happy to arrange a time with you privately, or at the end of a scheduled Mass.
Baptism, Infant Baptism Preparation
Preparation for infant baptism and for those who are going to be sponsors and Godparents begins with an appointment with Fr. Matt Pennington. Plans should be made at least two months before the celebration of Baptism.
Please complete this form and return to the parish office for Baptism classes as a parent or Godparent, and in preparation for your child’s baptism.
First Eucharist & First Reconciliation
First Eucharist and First Reconciliation are included in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This is a two year journey which includes a sharing in Sunday sessions, six nights of reflection and two retreats. Parent involvement is a major part of this journey.
First year follows the PreK-6 Calendar. Second Year follows the PreK-6 Calendar in addition to the Sacramental Prep Calendar. Calendars are posted on this website under the Files section. Contact: Stephanie Purvis at 805.544.2357, ext. 201 / catechesis@nativityslo.org.
You may download the forms required under the Quick Links / Forms page.
The Sacrament of Confirmation for youth is a two year preparation process involving faith sharing, social justice activities and retreats. The process can begin as early as the Freshman High School year. You may download the forms required under the Quick Links / Forms page. Please contact Katie Rose Walters for more information. Her email is Confirmation@NativitySLO.org
Confirmation for adults is available normally as part of the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. Please talk to Father Matt or John Purvis to discuss your situation.
Marriage Preparation
Marriage preparations involve prayer, professional counseling and evaluation, an Engaged Encounter retreat, and opportunities to understand the sacrament. This joyful and fun preparation requires a number of meetings with the first meeting beginning with Fr. Matt Pennington.
Reconciliation is by appointment. Please call the office at 805-544-2357 x104 to arrange a time or email Father Matt. Normally we celebrate Communal Reconciliation Services prior to Christmas and Easter.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a powerful and delightful process that prepares the un-baptized for entry into the Catholic faith. It is also for baptized, but un-catechized adults (often people who have not completed their Sacraments of Initiation—Eucharist and Confirmation). It is also a process that allows someone who wants to know about our Catholic faith and understand just what it is that we believe. The program begins in early September. Here is a brief information sheet about the process. Contact Father Matt or the parish office for details.
RCIA Group from Nativity at the Rite of Election @ Old Mission, San Luis Obispo, CA 2024 with Bishop Danny Garcia