Funeral Planning
Fr. Matt Pennington and Liturgy ministers meet with the grieving families. This provides an opportunity for those who have experienced the death of a loved one to join with others in a loving, healing environment to share their stories and experiences. Members of the Funeral Planning Ministry help parishioners and their families select appropriate scriptural readings, prayers and music that have significance for them and meets with families regarding environmental needs and any receptions that take place here at the church.
Home & Hospital Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners who feel called by compassion to be the presence of Christ to the sick and homebound are encouraged to join in this ministry. Extraordinary Ministers visit and/or bring Holy Communion to Catholic patients who are confined in their homes, or in a hospital or care facility. Through administering the Eucharist, sharing prayers, listening attentively and offering reassurance, these ministers fulfill the call of compassion from Christ. This is a rewarding ministry and training is provided. Contact Candy Spahr at (805) 544-2357, ext. 202.
Married Couples Ministry
The mission of the Married Couples Ministry is to foster and encourage the vocation of Christian marriage and family life. Contact: Parish Office 805-544-2357.
Social Justice Ministry
Social Justice column periodically appears in parish bulletin with reflections and/or information on ways to serve others throughout our community and beyond. Some of these Social Justice outreaches include:
St. Vincent de Paul
If you or anyone has experienced an unexpected and ill-timed crisis, such as utility cut-off or a housing eviction notice, or a job-threatening transportation (car, bike, bus) issue, or you wish to volunteer to minister to those who have such needs, contact the St Vincent de Paul mission at 805-544-7041.
People's Kitchen
This group of volunteers have the opportunity to prepare and/ or serve meals for the homeless on the first Wednesday of each month at the People's Kitchen on Prado Road. Contact: Chris Connors at parish office 805-544-2357.
Get on the Bus (GOTB)
This program reunites children with their incarcerated fathers or mothers. Contact the parish office at 805-544-2357 to get involved!
First Friday Spirituality
First Friday Mass and Spirituality is offered on the First Friday of each month (October through May). Gather for Mass at 9:00 am followed by brunch and a presentation by an inspirational speaker in the parish hall. Contact the parish office at 805-544-2357 to get involved!