Children’s Liturgy of the Word
When we hear the readings at the Mass, it can be a challenge for youngsters to understand the readings and how to apply them to their lives. While parents play the primary role in helping their children learn the Gospel, we assist parents by providing a special Liturgy of the Word for children at the 11:00 AM Mass throughout the school year.
Here’s how it works: children sit with their parents as they normally would at Mass. Then once the opening prayer is concluded, Father Matt will invite children ages 3 – 5 and 6-9 to come forward for dismissal. This is of course voluntary; additionally, some parents may need to come forward with their children for a few weeks to help them be comfortable with the process.
Children are led to 2 different classrooms where adult volunteers will read an age-appropriate version of the Gospel reading and give the children time to interact with the Gospel message in some creative way. Children return during the offertory time and join their family for the rest of the Mass.
To make all this work, we need many adult volunteers who are willing to be trained and be cleared by the Diocese to help with children. Adult Group Leaders and older children as Leader Assistants are needed to begin this ministry. Teenagers are welcome and can receive service hours for their time. For more information or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call the office at 805-544-2357.
Senior Outreach Ministry
Our Senior Outreach Ministry provides support and outreach efforts to the senior members of our parish with an objective of keeping them closely connected. Support includes companionship through phone calls, visits, greeting cards, resource connections, and help with other senior-related parish ministries. For more information, please contact Candy Spahr (805) 544-2357, ext. 202.
Bereavement Ministry
This is a ministry of consolation and support for those who have lost close family members. The parish offers periodic grief support groups – From Grief to Grace – to those experiencing grief after death. Bereavement ministers may also assist with liturgical support at funeral masses, and help with receptions following the funerals including set-up, decorating, service, and clean-up. Please contact the parish office at (805) 544-2357 for more information.
Companions of Our Lady, Widows Fellowship
Companions of Our Lady is a group comprised of those in the Christian Faith who have experienced the loss of a spouse. We come together to foster a platform of fellowship, social interactions and ongoing spirituality. Our prayer is that no one goes through their experience alone but rather with long lasting connections and support. Please contact the parish office at (805) 544-2357, for more information.
Companions of Our Lady Widows Fellowship enjoying a day of reflection.
Music Ministry
Music is at the heart of Catholic worship and a major component of the liturgical life of our parish. We offer a variety of opportunities for participation and leadership at all of our weekend, holy day and special celebrations. Our ministry includes children, youth, young adults and adults serving as as cantors, instrumentalists and choir members. We provide training, supervision, inservice and workshops to support parishioners who serve our community as music ministers. Please contact Kayla Peracca, Music Coordinator, at the church office for more information: (805) 544-2357 ext. 101.
Liturgical Environment
A creative ministry devoted to enhancing the beauty and prayerfulness of sacred environments for all of the liturgies and celebrations throughout the liturgical year. Contact Mary Ann Statler at (805) 544-2357.
Liturgical Linens
Serve for a month, washing, drying and ironing the linens used for our liturgical celebrations. Contact JoAnn Vilhauer through the parish office at (805) 544-2357.
Liturgical Ministers
Includes Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Gift Bearers, Ushers/Greeters and Lectors. Training, spiritual formation and on-going support is provided for all who participate in these ministries. Contact the office at (805) 544-2357.
Altar Server Ministry
Opportunities for serving at parish liturgies are available for adults and mature young people. Training offered by JoAnn Vilhauer. Contact the parish office at (805) 544-2357.
Eucharistic Ministers
Parishioners who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation are welcome and encouraged to serve as minister of the Body and Blood at parish liturgies. Training offered by Rose Mijares. Contact the parish office at (805) 544-2357.
Gift Bearers
Opportunities for families and individuals to present the gifts during parish liturgies. Let an usher know you would like to help when you arrive early at Mass.
Lectors are called to proclaim the Word of God for parish liturgies throughout the Church year. New lectors receive a short training session to review current guidelines and procedures before serving. Training offered by Julianna Winninghoff. Contact the parish office at (805) 544-2357.
Ushers/Greeters create and maintain a climate of hospitality at parish liturgies throughout the church year. Greeters/Ushers assist people with seating and distribution of collection baskets. Training offered by Jim and Joan Reilly. If you would like to be an usher, please contact the parish office: (805) 544-2357.
Home & Hospital Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners who feel called by compassion to be the presence of Christ to the sick and homebound are encouraged to join in this ministry. Extraordinary Ministers visit and/or bring Holy Communion to Catholic patients who are confined in their homes, or in a hospital or care facility. Through administering the Eucharist, sharing prayers, listening attentively and offering reassurance, these ministers fulfill the call of compassion from Christ. This is a rewarding ministry and training is provided. Contact Candy Spahr at (805) 544-2357, ext. 202.