Upcoming Events @ Nativity

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221 Daly Ave
San Luis Obispo, CA, 93405
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(805) 544-2357

Nativity Kids Night Out

Upcoming Events

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Nativity Kids Night Out

Dear Nativity Parents - Enjoy a peaceful night out or at home alone, while the children are cared for in a safe and enriching environment. Children will have the opportunity to participate in Christmas themed activities, enjoy a movie with popcorn and have fun with friends! DINNER IS INCLUDED!  This event is open to all parish families with children age 3 - 13.  All children must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian.  Event is free of charge, donations encouraged. If you have questions, please contact Angela Schroeter at schroeters617@gmail.com.


Space is limited.  Reservations required.  Please sign-up online at the link below:
