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221 Daly Ave
San Luis Obispo, CA, 93405
United States

(805) 544-2357

Welcome To Nativity (Copy)

Update 3-18-2020: An important message from Father Matt on changes related to COVID-19

NOTE: All public Masses, have been suspended until further notice.

Daily Masses are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 AM on our Youtube Channel.

Sunday Masses are available here.

The mission of the Roman Catholic Community of Nativity of Our Lady is to encourage and foster the spiritual growth and development of the individual in Christ, to strengthen the concept of parish family, and to serve the needs of the larger community through outreach ministries and service to others, while recognizing the diversity of those we serve.


Nativity of Our Lady
221 Daly Ave
San Luis Obispo CA 93405
805 / 544-2357

Office hours are suspended until further notice. Please call the church and leave a message, or send an email through the Contact Us page.

Plenty of Parking!

Map & More Information

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Celebrate the Feast of Pentecost with Fathers Matt, Jim and Mike with Deacon Tom O'Brien preaching!

See the exciting plans in store for Nativity’s campus!